• I just built my first WP site in WP 5.9.3 and launched it today. All is well. BUT I had an issue pop up before I finished building it, that is still in place when I am working in my test/staging site. I add a new page, insert a paragraph block, and change the colors for the text and background – as I’ve done successfully on all the existing pages on my site. The text I change it to is a rust color (dd9933) and the background a dark grey, and it shows up just fine while I’m editing. But when I UPDATE the page and then go to VIEW the page, the text is a grey just barely lighter than the grey background, but visible. NO RUST color. This is my first forum topic posting/question, so please bear with me if I haven’t provided everything needed to help me. Please Help Me! Thanks.

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  • Hi, therealrosiemcgee, you may need some CSS to override the text color, making it what you set from within the editor (are you using the block editor – built-in – or the Classic Editor)?

    Thread Starter therealrosiemcgee


    Hi Ian, I appreciate your answering my post. I believe I’m using the block editor – the one that’s built into the theme I’m using.

    But at this point, I’ve figured out a solution that bypasses the issue I couldn’t solve directly. (I ‘duplicate’ a paragraph that is correct and then edit the text.) Since, for now, I’m not actually blogging but using my site more as a static gateway, I can get by. Also, for the record, the text color issue only came up with ONE color, and if/when I do get into actual blogging, I’ll just use one of the other preset colors.

    Thanks again. Rosie

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