• Resolved lexa90


    Few days ago, WordPress pointed me that i need to update the Awd Facebook plugin for compatibility problems and i did that. But, after installation, it stopped working. Now I cant access any single page on my site. I get this error when trying to view some posts

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function has_post_thumbnail() in /home/progress/public_html/wp-content/plugins/facebook-awd/AWD_facebook.php on line 813

    If anyone knows how to fix this, please tell me 🙂


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  • Plugin Author AHWEBDEV


    This bug was fixed in thx for report

    Thread Starter lexa90


    Well, I updated to that version and the problem still persists :/

    Should i maybe uninstall and then install again the plugin ?
    I tried deleting all the caches and that stuff, but without any changes…

    Thread Starter lexa90


    Update: I even tried uninstalling plugin, deleting cache, and installing it again, but the same error appears…

    Plugin Author AHWEBDEV


    what is your versio of wordpress ?

    Thread Starter lexa90



    I even tried changing to xfbml but again, nothing happened. Still the same error…
    /edit: I installed older version of this plugin ( and it’s now working fine. I will stick with that until you resolve the problem 🙂

    Same error… And really works fine.

    Plugin Author AHWEBDEV


    ok i think my testing was not really good…. i will fix it tnight…

    Thread Starter lexa90


    Glad to hear that! 🙂 Thanks for everything 🙂

    Plugin Author AHWEBDEV

    (@ahwebdev) online…



    Hey I have the same problem lexa90… how did you get into your site and to where you could uninstall the Facebook AWD?



    this is what i got

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function home_url() in /home1/dimensi5/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/facebook-awd/AWD_facebook.php on line 811

    Plugin Author AHWEBDEV


    @hreeves59: what’s version of wordpress do you use ? home_url() exist from the wordpress 3.0, and this plugin is compatible only since the 3.1
    You should update your wordpress install.

    To uninstall facebook AWD, delete it from your ftp.

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