• I have a blog running WordPress 2.0.7, Semiologic 4.2.2, Post Level 1.0. And what is happening, as far as I can tell, is that when I set a post level to a post that I haven’t written, it disappears! Gone! It isn’t there anymore, not even in the Manage Posts area. Does anyone have any ideas of what happened?
    So let me go over this again:
    1. I create a post and change the author to something one else. And click publish.
    2. I go to “Manage Posts” and click on Edit.
    3. I change the post level of the post and click save.

    Then it is gone! Disappeared! I am confounded, I have no ideas how to fix this. I know even if I don’t set a post level and just set it to private, it still disappears.

    Please help me…

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