• manvsmonsters


    I’ve been out of the loop for a while. But I just decided to get going on finishing with tweaking my blog to hang out the address to friends.


    I just upgrade from 1.5 to I’ll mention that I noticed the Dashboard was blank from any feeds. And I think it was blank even before I did the upgrade.

    I went about trying to apply some little changes that I figured out from setting a friend’s band site on WordPress. It turns out that I figured out how to fix all my little problems through putting up his site (Border alignment, misc. plugins…). So I go to preview the changes, and the borders are messed up and not fitting snuggly in Internet Explorer like I managed to do with my friend’s site. I went to that site, which I hadn’t tooled around with since I set it up, and noticed that the header border wasn’t even correctly aligned like I remembered having left it (in IE). Now it’s back to this same trivial annoyance for me of having it only look the way I want it in Firefox. Suffice it to say: I have no damn clue what happened, but my learning curve with this stuff has grown foggy in the months that I’ve left it alone. So whatever- screw the borders! IE users can suffer- I don’t really care about misaligned header borders… it’s just a little annoying after I thought I’d miraculously solved this puzzle. Maybe I’ll try going back to 1.5… and maybe upgrading at all was the problem… My friend’s site is on 1.5.1 right now, and I’m thinking I didn’t even check to see browser compatibility surviving when I upgraded back then…(?) Oh well…

    Now with my immediate slaps in the face from sitting down and getting reaqquainted with WordPress after all this time… and letting this trivial problems not bother me… there is the private entries problem, which is a REAL problem for me.

    I realized that it did what I thought it was supposed to do only in Internet Explorer. For me at least. I’m on XP Pro. Browsers up to date. Blah.

    Notice: the categories and Archives are clear in the Sidebar when viewed through Firefox- but the entries are still showing in the body. I have no idea what can be the problem with this, but this is something that has to be fixed, or else I must delete these entries. This flaw can’t be allowed to exist, or my usability is doo doo with this thing. I MUST be able to make entries private, and on all browsers. Or… that’s bad. That doesn’t work!

    Anyone know what this is?

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  • Les Bessant


    Are you by any chance logged in on FF and not in IE? I think WP will show you private posts if you’re logged in….

    Thread Starter manvsmonsters


    You know, I think every time that I’ve asked a question on this thing, the answer has always been blatantly obvious, and I’m not thinking of it by a sheer disconnection for no reason I can figure out. It’s always the simple stuff that I already know by common sense, in contrast to all the complicated stuff that I do manage to figure out, that I’ve never had to deal with before, like css. Maybe it’s something like that. -Getting single-minded. Or always working on this hours after I should’ve gone to bed. Flargle. Thanks.

    It’s the millionth time! And now I’m realizing it’s always me looking at the page in the end. I’ll def try to keep this in mind before asking another damn question. Haha.

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