• Resolved expserv


    How to I prevent certain fields from showing up in the front-end page using the [wpdiehard] shortcode? I want to prevent the table ID and certain columns from showing up in the front-end table and front-end edit forms.

    I tried changing the settings on the dashboard->WP Data Access->Data Project->Manage Table Option. However, the changes only appears on the internal page.

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  • Plugin Author Passionate Programmer Peter


    Hi expserv,

    Shortcode wpdadiehard uses table settings defined in Manage Table Options just like the dashboard app. There is really no difference. It runs the same code.

    If you get a different result you might have provided too much arguments with the shortcode. If you use the Data Projects tool in your shortcode, make sure to provide parameters project_id and page_id only. Please do not use these parameters in combination with others.

    Parameters filter_field_name and filter_field_value are an exception as these can be used to set a filter.

    Available parameters are explained here: https://wpdataaccess.com/docs/documentation/shortcodes/shortcode-wpdadiehard/

    Please let me know if this solves your problem.

    Best regards,

    Plugin Author Passionate Programmer Peter


    Hi expserv,

    To make it easier to work with shortcodes for Data Projects pages I added a link “Show Shortcode” to the data pages. I hope this helps.

    I’m closing this topic. Please feel free to open a new topic if you have a question or feature request.

    Best regards,

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