• Resolved Constantin Flux



    I’m setting up an indie record label website and was thinking about using Event Manager for tour dates listing. I’m using Elementor Pro and ACF. I’d need to import csv which is a feature of the Pro version, so before I purchase I’d liek to make sure to be able to create what I want:

    My question is the following.
    I need one page with a list of all bands with their according gigs (events). Unclickable except the Ticketlink, which goes to external sites.

    DD/MM/YYYY Country City Location Supportact Ticketlink
    DD/MM/YYYY Country City Location Supportact Ticketlink

    DD/MM/YYYY Country City Location Supportact Ticketlink
    DD/MM/YYYY Country City Location Supportact Ticketlink

    DD/MM/YYYY Country City Location Supportact Ticketlink
    DD/MM/YYYY Country City Location Supportact Ticketlink

    I have the addon installed and can only list the events like this:

    MONTH / YY
    Date/Time Event
    DD.Month YYY Artistname (clickable)

    Date/Time Event
    DD.Month YYY Artistname (clickable)

    MONTH / YY
    Date/Time Event
    DD.Month YYY Artistname (clickable)

    Date/Time Event
    DD.Month YYY Artistname (clickable)

    So it is sorted by Month and has time as well, which I both don’t need/want.
    Is it possbile to create a listing like the one I described above with the pro version?

    Also: can I pull the top 3 next upcoming events dynamically from the events data and show them on a separate part of the website?

    If this is possible I’ll go ahead and purchase the addon and take the discussion to the pro forum.

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  • Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    So it is sorted by Month and has time as well, which I both don’t need/want.
    Is it possbile to create a listing like the one I described above with the pro version?

    -> It might be possible if ‘ARTISTNAME 1…2..’ is an event categories and then use shortcode

    [categories_list hide_empty=0] #_CATEGORYLINK #_CATEGORYNEXTEVENTS [/categories_list]

    Also: can I pull the top 3 next upcoming events dynamically from the events data and show them on a separate part of the website?

    -> at the moment, you can try search attribute ‘order’ and ‘orderby’ in the shortcode mentioned here – https://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/event-search-attributes/

    If this is possible I’ll go ahead and purchase the addon and take the discussion to the pro forum.

    -> Yes, however, take note of the ARTISTNAME I mentioned above; also, “Ticketlink” is not yet available since tickets are part of the bookingform.

    e.g. https://demo.wp-events-plugin.com/

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