• Resolved Steel Rat


    Usin chrome on an android tablet, the captions settings in the lightbox don’t behave the same way.

    I uuse custom captions, displayed inline and on the right. Works fine on a desktop pc. But on my android tablet, the captions don’t show by default, and when you tap the info icon, the captions show from the bottom, taking up the whole screen. Not the expected behavior.

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  • Plugin Support elviiso


    Hi @steel-rat

    Could you please provide the link to the page with the gallery where you made the observation? This information will help us run tests and attempt to replicate the issue before offering further advice.

    Thanks for your cooperation.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter Steel Rat


    Here is one of many that exhibit the behavior. All of my galleries use the same settings.


    Plugin Support elviiso


    Hi @steel-rat

    Sorry for the delayed response.

    First, if you want the captions to be displayed automatically on devices with smaller screens too, kindly go to that particular gallery’s Edit page and navigate to Advanced > Custom Settings then add the following:

    { "panel": { "infoAutoHide": false } }

    Once added save the changes and this should enable the captions to always be displayed automatically on any device without having to click on the info icon.

    Secondly, regarding the captions, on smaller devices, the captions have been set to be displayed at the bottom. In your case, because your custom captions are quite lengthy and have alot of line breaks on top of that, they will naturally occupy a larger area than most captions on smaller devices when opened irrespective of where it was displayed from.


    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter Steel Rat


    Is this being based on screen resolution? Because it happens on my Surface Pro, while being a tablet, it runs full Windows 10, and is essentially a high-resolution laptop.

    Is there any way I can override this display to force it to the right no matter the display size, and perhaps have a vertical scrollbar. I would rather have that than the entire image obscured by the info pane.

    Thread Starter Steel Rat


    So I found a setting in the lightbox section, which forces it to act as it does on a desktop system. I don’t remember seeing that before. But it does what I need it to. If that’s a new setting, thanks!

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