• Resolved yasindedo1


    Preload Error WP FASTEST CACHE

    Ok I have tried it with Cloudflare, without CF, with another domain and also with another shared hosting company. Luckily it worked with other hosting company.

    The problem is preload feature is not working at all.

    When i try the manuel preload link it says ERROR every time. It increase the counter but when I check the “preloaded/cached” pages they are not cached. Actually it already says ERROR.


    https://prnt.sc/G0HVFzt17kIr this

    What can be the cause? I have my display_errors php setting enabled. But it only says ERROR. Ok errors happens but what is the error message 🙂

    • This topic was modified 1 year ago by yasindedo1.
    • This topic was modified 1 year ago by yasindedo1.
    • This topic was modified 1 year ago by yasindedo1.
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