• Resolved tinpeas


    HI Guys

    I have a client site where all of the PPOM options are not showing on the site’s product pages, they have vanished. Downgrading the plugin does not work.

    I also download the entire site, switched theme and activated just PPOM and WooCommerce and the issue remains. Can you look at this for us ASAP please.

    Thanks in advance.



    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter tinpeas



    If I add PPOM field to a new product the custom option shows, however if I remove a product from the the included list of products that used that field and then add it again the options still do not show.

    Thread Starter tinpeas


    Update 2

    Rolling back the plugin to version 32.0.9 fixes the problem but I have not left the site like that as the plugin has had security fixes since then. So, the site is currently running version 32.0.13 and all PPOM product options are not showing on the front end. This is obviously a major issue as nobody can currently purchase anything on the site.

    Thread Starter tinpeas


    Update 3

    A work around I have discovered for this issue is to manually assign PPOM fields at product level. This however appears to be a significant job on the client site as there are absolutely loads of products that use PPOM.

    Plugin Support AndreeaR


    Hi @tinpeas,

    Thank you for getting in touch, and I’m sorry for any inconvenience caused!

    I checked the page that you shared, but all the meta fields are visible there. Is that a product where you manually assigned a PPOM group?

    I’ve attempted to replicate the issue you mentioned, but I haven’t encountered any unexpected behavior after updating the plugin on my end.

    Could you provide further details about the problem you’re experiencing? Specifically, which fields are hidden, and do you have any conditional settings set up that might be affecting this?

    Thread Starter tinpeas


    Hey @andreearadacina21

    Yes that product is one I assigned manually on the product page.

    The issue is exactly as @carryoncoding described in the ticket prior to mine. The fields are assigned to products in PPOM Field Groups but they are not being pulled in to the product.

    • If you assign a field group to a product that has NOT previous had the fields assigned it works.
    • If you remove a field group from a product that had the fields assigned to it prior to the update and then reassign it the fields are NOT pulled through.

    Rolling back the plugin to version 32.0.9 fixes it, but this is not a solution as there has been a security patch since then.

    The only solution I can find is to add the fields at product level.

    I am unsure how many products are effected as I did not add them and inherited the client/site from another agency as well as the PPOM integration.

    • Interestingly, down grading to 32.0.9 and then upgrading again to 32.0.13 appeared to fix the local version I set up earlier, but not the live version.
    • The live version was fixed after down grading to 32.0.9 but the problem returned once the 32.0.13 patch was applied.

    I am unsure how many products are effected as I did not add them and inherited the client/site from another agency.

    I will hopefully speak to the client in the morning and can get a better idea of the damage then, I have been unable to reach her today after she reported the issue.

    In a nutshell though, it appears that the custom field groups that PPOM generates are not being pulled through to existing products anymore and there are no sign of them in the code.

    I will add to this ticket once I get to speak to the client.



    • This reply was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by tinpeas.
    • This reply was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by tinpeas.
    Plugin Support AndreeaR


    Hello @tinpeas,

    We appreciate your cooperation in reporting the issue you’re encountering. We are sorry for the inconvenience, and we have confirmed the problem. A bug report has been created and forwarded to our product development team for review.

    What happens next?

    Our product team will evaluate the impact of this issue compared to other open bugs and upcoming features, and assign a priority level to the bug report.

    Our developers prioritize the highest-priority issues first, so we cannot provide a specific timeline for resolution at this time.
    If you have any additional information that may assist with prioritization or resolution, feel free to reply to this email.

    We will update you once the issue is addressed and a fix is released. You may also check the product’s changelog for updates and fixes included in each release.

    If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to start a new thread. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

    Any update on this fix? Or is it that all users of the plugin previously now need to enable the following fields in Basic Settings?

    • Legacy Inputs Rendering
    • Legacy Conditions Script
    • Enable Legacy Price Calculations
    Plugin Support AndreeaR


    Hi @tinpeas,

    I hope this message finds you well. I am pleased to inform you that we have recently released an update for PPOM. This update includes a resolution to the issue you reported.

    We appreciate your patience and support during this process. If you have any further questions or require assistance with the update, please do not hesitate to reach out.

    Wishing you a great day ahead!

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