• Resolved parkinsonca



    I have a page where my filtered posts are only translating into French when I am logged into WordPress. If logged out, the posts display in English. We’re using WPML to translate.

    Any idea what’s causing this?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Trusty Plugins


    Hi @parkinsonca ,

    Sorry for that inconvenience. Actually plugin is not compatible yet with WPML.

    We are working on it and it will compatible in future. We will ping you here when we done it.

    Trusty Plugins Team

    Thread Starter parkinsonca


    Thank you. Do you know when you’ll expect that to happen?

    Plugin Author Trusty Plugins


    Hi @parkinsonca ,

    There are lots of features in our roadmap , we can give you an estimate of time. But will try to do asap.

    Trusty Plugins Team

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