• This is a fascinating and useful plugin for accessing the content and metadata of individual posts.

    Our project site is an open-source content archive, and we’d like to make the post export accessible externally on individual posts for site visitors, via an outward facing link. Is that possible? (For privacy, we’d need to obscure author and comment author email addresses in the export file.)

    Let us know and thank you.

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  • Thread Starter Aharon


    Currently, exporting an individual post is a very manual operation. It would be great to have the additional option to automate *or* manually generate individual export xml files *for all sites posts* — and have them saved to a *publicly accessible folder*.

    I’ve tried this and thought I’d found the answer but on testing it, it doesn’t export the media, for some reason

    As an addition to this, I did highlight the box to export media so I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.

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