• After I install and activate this plugin – all my posts and pages disapear. I dis-activate this plugin – post apear arain. Bad plugin.

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  • Plugin Author PluginsPoint


    Hi, Thanks for your feedback,
    Could you please help me by answering question bellow ?
    # Which theme you are using ?
    # Did you use any others plugin from this account and which this plugin ?

    Best Wish for you…

    Thread Starter anatolt


    theme: Twenty Eleven
    here my plugins: http://at02.ru/i/2014-01-18_140757.png

    Plugin Author PluginsPoint


    Hi anatolt,
    Sorry for this ugly problem.
    Now i got solved by fixing my code and updated another version of this plugin 1.2

    Please update your plugin and send me feedback.

    Here is my screenshot

    [ link redacted, please do not post links in the reviews section ]

    Please do not forget vote us… 🙂

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    KentoThemes? Can you please provide a link besides Facebook? http://snag.gy/ is not a bad service for that. 😉

    Plugin Author PluginsPoint


    Thanks @jan Dembowski
    I just didn’t know that
    I will surely do that and also can you please send me reference link which image share site can i use.

    nice one http://snag.gy

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