• Resolved matthew016



    I am having some issues with post data custom fields. I created a post data form that is set to draft a givewp donation form. The connection is working well and forms are being drafted upon completion of the form. My problem is that the custom fields I have entered are not populating in the form. I am using the field values provided by givewp, but none seem to work.

    I appreciate any suggestions! Thanks in advance for your help.



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  • Thread Starter matthew016


    I think my issue is that the custom fields do not include a slug field. Is this available with Pro?

    Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @matthew016

    I hope you’re well today!

    I’m not much familiar with GiveWP plugin (actually I’m not at all, except that it exists) so I’m not sure about its specifics but I understand that what you’re trying to achieve is to use Forminator form to let users create donation forms on front-end, right?

    i also understand that this requires filling some pre-defined custom fields that would be associated with those “donation form” post.

    As long as the custom field is correctly specified, it should be filled: if the field doesn’t exist it would be created but since plugin is expecting very specific forms, this might be a bit “tricky” depending on how GiveWP handles that. With standard posts, the custom field name to be used in Post Data field of Forminator form would actually be a custom field label.

    I’m not sure what do you mean by “slug field” though, could you elaborate a bit on this? Do you mean fields with – character in name? If yes, that is supported.

    It might help, though, to be able to test the form that you’re using. There’s an option to export the form from Forminator so would you export it and share export code with us here?

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter matthew016


    Hi Adam,

    Thanks for the response. You are correct in what I am trying to setup. Here is the article on GiveWP that I used to guide me through setting this up with Forminator. They suggest using Calendra, but I was hoping to use Forminator. In the instructions/video you can see Calendra has field options for slug (where the field identifier is being place), value, id, etc.

    I tried to replicated this process with post data, but only have the title and value fields for custom fields. The following is how I tried to setup the custom fields.

    Label: Form Goal
    Value: {_give_set_goal}

    This should insert a field called “Form Goal” that populates the give form with the requested goal amount. I tried adding approximately 6-8 custom fields, but none showed at all. Some where hidden fields, but others were not.

    I actually delete my test case form when testing, but I can recreate quickly and share the form export code if that would be helpful. The form will create a give form, but does not show any of the custom fields.

    Thanks for the help!



    Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @matthew016

    Thanks for response!

    Yes, please re-create such form if you can and share it with us here. It would help understand the issue, hopefully.

    I’d appreciate that!

    Best regards,

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