• Resolved charlie36


    Is there an ability to post a single photo from one of my Google Photos albums? In this case, I am actually trying to show a video from one of my albums. I haven’t seen a good way to do it, though.

    I probably should post on a separate topic regarding video, but I cannot get the video to load when viewing from the gallery anyways.

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  • Plugin Author Sayontan Sinha


    Is there an ability to post a single photo from one of my Google Photos albums?

    I will ask you the same question that I have asked others: why not use a native HTML img tag instead? That is a lot quicker (saves two calls to Google on the front end, and innumerable calls on the back-end) and also avoids the reliance on a separate plugin for a basic feature. Note that for videos too you can use the native WP video shortcode this way:
    [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="https://link-to-video-file-on-google-photos"][/video]

    You can get the URL of the image / video by right-clicking on the full image or video in Google.

    I probably should post on a separate topic regarding video, but I cannot get the video to load when viewing from the gallery anyways.

    This is probably because your video might not be available in the default size. See this thread for a fix and why this is not in core.

    Thread Starter charlie36


    That is an easy workaround. I guess I was being lazy / not thinking fully on the issue. I’ll give it a try and I bet that works.

    tried this but it doesn’t work for img

    Plugin Author Sayontan Sinha


    Please start your own thread – this is a resolved thread from another user.

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