• Resolved bevels


    Quite simply as the title suggests.. after placing the ‘pages’ block into the ‘positive’ rules section and ticking the pages I want users to access. This should, as I understand it, only allow access to ticked pages and all other unticked pages should be “locked”. Unfortunately this doesn’t work, all site pages are accessible.

    The only workaround is to setup the opposite by placing the pages block into the negative rules section, ticking all pages and unticking the pages you want users to access. This is NOT ideal, because everytime a new page is created you have to update permissions for every ‘access level’ you’ve created 🙁

    Any reason positive access rules wouldn’t be working?

    Frustrating because the concept of this plugin is excellent using positive rules, mediocre using negative ones.


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  • Hello there @bevels,
    I’m afraid that I can’t replicate your issue.
    Are you by any chance using some sort of an aggressive caching plugin that would possibly interfere with this? Maybe a reverse proxy like Varnish, Squid, nginx or anything similar?
    If so, could you please try resetting it’s cache and try that again?


    Hey again.

    Haven’t heard from you in a short while so I just wanted to check in and see how things are going here?

    If you still need some assistance then by all means just reopen the thread or create another one for any new and related issues.


    Thread Starter bevels


    Hey there,

    Sorry about the late reply.

    I don’t have a caching plugin installed.

    Below is a list of the plugins I’m using. However my first guess was a plugin conflict so I tried disabling *most* of the obvious ones and it didn’t seem to make any difference.

    Add new users
    Download manager
    Easy fancy box
    Event organiser
    GD BBPress Attachments
    LearnDash LMS
    Membership Premium
    NextGEN gallery
    NextGEN Public Uploader
    SB Welcome Email Editor
    Sexy Login

    I’d really like to get to the bottom of this.. any help is very much appreciated.

    I’ll do my best to reply more promptly.


    @bevels do you also use negative rules in compination with your positive rules?
    If yes, then you should know that negative rules overrule positive rules…

    We’ll need some more info on the actual configuration of your access levels and subscriptions.


    I experienced the same thing. I am fairly certain I have my access levels set up correctly, with visitors being the lowest.
    For example, if I add ‘Menus’ to the positive rules and tick the menu items I WANT to show up, all the others are hidden, as I think it is meant to be.
    However, if I add ‘Pages’ to the positive rules, and tick a few of the listed pages, ALL the pages still show up in visitor view (I actually use a different browser to test -> FF, while developing in Chrome).
    My immediate solution (that works) is to use negative rules, but in most cases wouldn’t it be more convenient to accomplish this in Positive Rules,,and tick ONLY the pages we want to show,,, so if new pages are added in the future, their default would be NOT to show (that would work best for us).

    Hi @klogan2,

    Thanks for posting on this. Could I ask if you’re referring to the Pages themselves or to the Menu links for the Pages?

    I mean, when you use the rule to restrict access to those Pages, are you still able to access those Pages? Or is it just the menu links to them that aren’t being restricted?

    Just wanted to be sure I understood the issue correctly. Thanks for any clarification on this. Looking forward to getting it sorted! 🙂


    Hey @david,

    This issue stills exists in the latest version.
    Positive rules should block everything except for what is ticked … except it doesn’t work that way.

    Please advise.
    Many Thanks.

    Yes David, when I add positive rules for pages, I can still access the pages on all levels.
    Positive rules for menus works however

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