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  • Plugin Author NextScripts


    Could you please elaborate a little bit?

    1. Where exactly is that “anywhere” you need to click to see the issue? Visitors pages? Wp-Admin? What part?

    2. Do you have any Javascript errors? Please open “Developers Console” (F12) and click on “Console” tab to see those errors.

    Thread Starter designweb


    The issue is on frontend, and there is no error in console.
    i’m using bootstrap modals in my site.
    can i get the previous version coz pervious one don’t have issue like that.

    I had a similar problem. I’m using bootstrap modals and they broke after updating this plugin. The plugin loads a jQuery Modal CSS on the frontend, which interferes with the bootstrap modal CSS. I disabled the plugin and the modals are woking again.

    Can NextScripts disable their jQuery Modal CSS from loading on the frontend?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by imfromio. Reason: typos
    Thread Starter designweb


    Four months have passed, but the problem still persists.
    can you please fix this issue.

    I have the same issue. Can you please offer a solution?

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