• Resolved robbiejackson


    I’ve got a Walks pod which is Pod Custom Post Type.
    It’s got a field walk_place which is a Relationship field to a Pod Custom Taxonomy called Place.
    The Place custom taxonomy has a number field called latitude.

    Inside a pods template for a single Walk I can do:
    Latitude: {@walk_place.latitude}
    and this outputs the latitude field correctly.

    However, the walk_place field is optional, so I want to do:

    [if walk_place]
    Latitude: {@walk_place.latitude} 

    However, this just outputs the string “Latitude:” but not the value.

    What should I be doing? (I’ve also tried just {@latitude} but it doesn’t work either).

    Thanks for your help,

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  • Plugin Contributor Jim True


    You can’t ‘traverse’ relationship fields in an [if][/if] statement, so you can’t do something like:

    [if walk_place.latitude]

    This is a limitation of the template tags and we know it needs to be addressed.

    What I would do is pass your field to an external function, like {@walk_place.latitude,show_my_latitude_field} and your show_my_latitude_field would handle checking the value of the field and adding the Latitude: label.

    Or you could alternately use PHP in a WordPress Theme Template.

    Thread Starter robbiejackson


    Thanks for the clarification Jim. In the end I went down the route of using php.

    I was a bit unsure about how to go about the php route though – is there any Pods documentation which describes what to do? I know there’s descriptions of Pods templates and of Pods pages, but the latter seem to be just for advanced content types.

    I didn’t want to modify my theme’s files, so what I did was:

    • Create a child theme
    • Copy the main theme’s single.php file into a new file single-walk.php in my child theme
    • Edited this single-walk.php file to get what I wanted using code below to get the Pod record
     $walk = pods( 'walk', get_the_id() );
     if ( $walk->exists() ) {
          $myfieldvalue = $walk->field('myfieldname');   

    This worked fine, but is it anything like a recommended approach?



    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by robbiejackson.
    Plugin Contributor Jim True


    That’s the approved method. Create a child theme, create a singular post PHP theme file and handle it within. Documentation-wise, you’re looking at the PodsCast’s on Displaying Pods Data in your Theme:


    Thread Starter robbiejackson


    Thanks Jim, I went through the videos and was reassured that I was doing it correctly.

    I’d happily write up a little tutorial on this topic and send it to you if you feel you’d like to have some written documentation as well on your site. I don’t do blogs, so I wouldn’t have anywhere I could host it myself.

    If you’re interested, let me know where I could email it, plus in what format it would be best to write it (eg .doc file, html etc).


    Plugin Contributor Jim True


    Howdy Robbie,

    You can drop onto our Slack Chat at http://pods.io/chat/ in the #support channel or you can send me an email with your tutorial and I’ll get it added.


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