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  • Plugin Contributor Hugh Lashbrooke


    It looks like your theme is stripping out the HTML that is required by the audio player. You will need to contact your theme author about how they display the post excerpt.

    Thread Starter paulcreedy



    The theme developer has updated the theme so that the full article shows the correct audio but there are other problems.

    I have ticked the box so that the podcasts show up in my normal posts.

    I have ticked FULL Content only and Unticked Excerpts yet the audio is still trying to render in the excerpt. The theme developer says that the audio shouldn’t be trying to render in the excerpt.

    I have also confirmed that even though I type text into the Blog article and have Unticked the except box, my text is overwritten by the audio file that shouldn’t even be there.

    This is the blog page

    As you will see the audio file is incorrectly rendered.
    Some of these blogs have text as well as the podcast, but the text is not displaying.
    If I remove the audio file from the post, then the text from the blog will appear.

    So I need to remove the audio from the excerpt, but keep it in the full content. I also need to render the text that I’ve entered onto the blog to go with the audio in the blog post.

    The first audio Psalm 42 v1-3 has Test text in the article that is not appearing. Should it not appear?

    Thread Starter paulcreedy



    Just realised that the text is now appearing, however the audio player is still rendering even though I have unticked the Excerpts box.

    Plugin Contributor Hugh Lashbrooke


    Thanks for the update here – I see what the issue is, but not too sure why it’s happening. In order to diagnose it I will need to access your WordPress dashboard, so could you please send me login details via the contact from on my site: – the contact form is at the bottom of the sidebar.

    Once I can login then I will have a look at your theme files so I can work out how it is showing the excerpt as I imagine there is some kind of inconsistency there.


    Plugin Contributor Hugh Lashbrooke


    Hi Paul,

    I received the login details from you, but when I try to login it tells me that it is an invalid username. Please rectify that and send me the details again.


    Plugin Contributor Hugh Lashbrooke


    Hi Paul,

    Thanks for the updated login details – I can login to your site now.

    I had a look around and I’ve found out what the issue is. Your theme doesn’t display post excerpts using the normal the_excerpt() function provided by WordPress, instead it uses a custom function called webulous_content_limit() to get what it determines is your excerpt. This means that SSP has no way of distinguishing between the text displayed in the excerpt and text displayed in the full content, so the audio player and episode data is all shown on your excerpt when it shouldn’t. On top of that, the theme also strips out any HTML tags from the excerpt, which is why the player show up as raw text and looks as horrible as it does.

    The absolute best solution for this is to get the theme developer to use the correct WordPress function for getting the post excerpt instead of rolling their own excerpt function like they have. To be honest, I have no idea why they’ve done it this way in the first place.

    That being said, this helps you work around the issue:

    add_filter( 'ssp_episode_meta', 'ssp_custom_episode_excerpt_mod' );
    function ssp_custom_episode_excerpt_mod ( $meta = '', $post_id = 0, $context ) {
      if( ! is_single() ) {
        $meta = '';
      return $meta;

    I have added that snippet to your theme’s functions.php file and it has fixed your issue. However, if you update your theme then the change I made will be overwritten. I would advise that you report this to the theme developer and show them this thread as it describes the issue and the solution for them.

    If this has helped you then please consider supporting continued development by leaving a review.


    Thread Starter paulcreedy


    Hugh – Thank you very much for that!

    I’ll mention the ‘fix’ to the person who supplied the theme to see if it’s something he could possibly put in permanently.

    The Church relies heavily on their audio podcasts, so it’s a big thing that they now seem to actually work.

    Thank you again.

    Thread Starter paulcreedy


    Hi Hugh

    I’ve fumbled my way through creating a child theme so hopefully your functions fix won’t get over written.

    Plugin Contributor Hugh Lashbrooke


    Great stuff – always better to put your changes into a child theme 🙂

    If this has helped you then please consider supporting continued development by leaving a review.


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