• Resolved zartage


    Firstly I would like to thank the wordpress community for its assistance to get me this far. Its been a long proccess from not knowing anything about CMS to a basic understanding.

    Currently i’m trying to learn a little more about how to do simply modifications on a photo plugin.

    WPPA http://me.mywebsight.ws/web/wppa/

    My site http://www.donaldjenkins.com/photo-album

    The plugin is almost perfect with the exception of a “table” not sure if thats the correct term but the box or line around each album. As you can see its a bit wider then the posting area.

    I’ve looked through the plugin code but not able to locate the source of the code.

    Not sure if this is possible but I want to delete the line around the ablum or specify the width.

    Can someone direct me to a site or confirm if this is possible. If so what the code might look like. If you need further information please let me know.

    Thank you in advance.

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  • Thread Starter zartage


    Yata!! found it

    So the issue is with IE for WPPA and Soulvision. Works perfect if viewing in firefox but not IE.

    Simple fix

    Deleted – border: 1px #ccc solid;

    Found in wp-photo-album\wp-photo-album\theme\wpp_style

    hope this helps someone else in the futurue.


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