• What do I do because of this warning? Make what exactly, read only?

    WARNING! /home2/rareexc/public_html/rootdomain/ is writable. Please make it readonly after your page is generated as this is a security risk.

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  • folders chmod 755
    files chmod 644
    for security


    That means WP Super Cache will no longer work right?

    I am very concerned about the number of security issues related with this plugin. I had to lower the security of several files and folders to get it to work.

    After about the fifth one I didn’t think it was worth the risk.

    Am I being overly precasutious?

    Warning! /home/content/x/x/x/xxxxxxxx/html/ is writable.

    yea, thats mine. I looked at the root folder ( / )and permissions are literally “xxx” which filezilla is telling me

    you can use an x at any position to keep the permissions the original files have

    so do we still go ahead chmod the entire folder, and then chmod 644 to all the loose files in that folder? or which folder?

    so do we still go ahead chmod the entire folder, and then chmod 644 to all the loose files in that folder? or which folder?

    Anyone answer this? Mine is saying this as well, and I don’t want to ruin anything as it is all working great. What do I chmod the folder to? Then do I need to chmod the files and folders within that differently?


    I already had

    folders chmod 755
    files chmod 644

    …and still I get that message. So I don’t think it’s a problem, more like a glitch. Or what do you think? Did anyone get rid of the message?

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