• Hi,
    I’ve installed this plugin a few days ago and since then I tried to run it manually a few times, but first time, after a few files, it stopped at this one:

    Since then, every time I try to run it, it always starts with this, and doesn’t progresses anywhere. At my Dropox account, the folder is created, but there’s nothing inside. Also, in the History of the plugin, it says “No backups performed yet”. I tried to deactivate and reactivate the plugin, delete the backup folder in Dropbox, but nothing seems to work.


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  • Plugin Contributor Michael De Wildt


    Gday mate,

    Please try 0.9.2 and let me know if you have the same issues.


    Thread Starter kazerniel



    I updated and started it like an hour ago, and it still says this message when I “Monitor current backup”:

    “Your backup has been sheduled and is waiting for WordPress to start it. This could take a few minutes, so now is a good time to go and grab a cup of coffee.”

    I’m in the exact same position:
    * Initial install a few days ago; took the Dropbox info ok.
    * All backups failed. I did get a MySQL dump on the server, which I’m assuming is OK, but which I haven’t verified.
    * No files or directories are backed up anywhere
    * Nothing is echoed to Dropbox.

    Did the upgrade to the 9.2 this morning and ran a manual backup with the same results (although I did notice more and better log messages, it still isn’t working.


    Plugin Contributor Michael De Wildt


    Gday guys,

    Thanks for taking the time to post your issues.

    Can you please do the following to help me diagnose the issue:

    1. Install Cron View – http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/cron-view/
    2. Start a new backup
    3. Got to Tools -> What’s in cron?
    4. Note what wordpress-backup-to-dropbox tasks are listed



    Thanks for helping with this.

    I’m having the same problem as the other users in this thread. Gives me a message to enjoy a cup of coffee, but hangs.

    When I check wp-content/backups, I can see that every attempt at backing up creates the directory and successfully backs up .htaccess, and nothing else. If I delete the directory, this program will repeat the process.

    I installed cron-view, and noticed a hanging cron job.

    I then added this to my theme’s function file:

    add_action(“init”, “clear_crons_left”);
    function clear_crons_left() {

    And cleared it. But when I uninstall, reinstall, and then uninstall it again, the cron remains after the plugin is gone. I add the same code to my functions.php file to clear the job.

    In a different but perhaps related issue, I had to fix some ownership of files in my wordpress directory to match the user running apache (www-data) in order to do an automatic backup. Once I fixed them (made everything in my public_html file owned by www-data, I could auto-update.

    Thanks for your help!


    Plugin Contributor Michael De Wildt


    Gday ptm,

    The ‘execute_instant_drobox_backup’ hook should disappear once WordPress acts on it and get replaced with ‘run_dropbox_backup_hook’ and ‘monitor_dropbox_backup_hook’.

    The last two are the main tasks the get the backup done.

    If you still have ‘execute_instant_drobox_backup’ in your cron list some time after starting a backup then the WordPress cron is not working correctly.

    Do you have DISABLE_WP_CRON set to ‘true’?


    I have the same problem,
    Jan 11, 2012 @ 13:36 One-off event execute_instant_drobox_backup

    And now the time is 14:56, It is not a big site.


    I logged into my wordpress blog to check if the automatic backup was done as usual but it wasn’t. Normally it takes around 5 minutes but this time the backup gets stuck in Creating SQL Backup. And if i go to the configuration page i have the following message in the queue The backup process appears to have gone away. Resuming backup and it seems to retry the backup but it never finishes.

    Plugin Contributor Michael De Wildt


    Hey all,

    I have been working closely with someone else who has the same issue and have a good idea of where the problem lies.

    I will have a release for your guys to use soon.


    Backup is never complete, when I checked Dropbox folder there is nothing. Please fix all these problem asap. We all love this plugin.

    Hi Michael,

    Would it be possible to add an option to disable the MySQL backup?

    I use a separate plugin to email that more frequently and my MySQL instance has about 12 schemas (for 12 sites) and it’s taking forever to backup (hasn’t actually succeeded yet). Ideally I want to turn the SQL backup off.

    Hi Michael,

    I am experiencing the same issues: the backup never completes — seems to never get past the SQL backup stage. I just get the following (below). Any ideas when the problem might be resolved? I would really love to use your plugin!

    Thank you!

    Backup warning on 2012-02-01 at 04:21:31: Backup stopped by user.
    Backup started on 2012-02-01 at 04:20:19
    Backup warning on 2012-02-01 at 04:20:13: The backup process appears to have gone away. Resuming backup.
    Backup started on 2012-02-01 at 04:14:54
    Backup warning on 2012-02-01 at 04:13:17: The backup process appears to have gone away. Resuming backup.
    Backup started on 2012-02-01 at 04:07:59
    Backup warning on 2012-02-01 at 04:07:57: The backup process appears to have gone away. Resuming backup.
    Backup started on 2012-02-01 at 04:01:58

    Plugin Contributor Michael De Wildt


    I am learning a lot about the restrictions imposed by many hosts by releasing this plugin.

    It appears that your backup may be timing out before the sql backup is completed hence the reason for the multiple restarts.

    Does a sql file of any size get created in the wp-content/backups directory?

    Yes. There’s a 5.34MB backup file that was created at 4:20pm today. I’m on bluehost if that’s helpful.

    I should add that this is a backup I’ve manually kicked off since I just installed the plugin for the first time, and the first scheduled backup has not run yet. Not sure if that would make any difference…

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