• I found one trouble – users can register if they just type spaces for first and second name. This is now right and I change some code for not allowing this. In row 989 in register-plus.php file I change this if statement:
    if(empty($_POST[‘firstname’]) || $_POST[‘firstname’] == ”)
    with this:
    if(trim($_POST[‘firstname’]) == ”)

    and same for the last name.

    So I just want to ask the author of the plugin to fix this in the future versions.

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  • May as well change the rest too…

    Plugin Version: 3.5.1
    ~line 990-something

    if( $regplus['firstname'] && in_array('firstname', $regplus['profile_req']) ){
    				if(trim($_POST['firstname']) == ''){
    					$errors->add('empty_firstname', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter your First Name.', 'regplus'));
    			if( $regplus['lastname'] && in_array('lastname', $regplus['profile_req']) ){
    				if(trim($_POST['lastname']) == ''){
    					$errors->add('empty_lastname', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter your Last Name.', 'regplus'));
    			if( $regplus['website'] && in_array('website', $regplus['profile_req']) ){
    				if(trim($_POST['website']) == ''){
    					$errors->add('empty_website', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter your Website URL.', 'regplus'));
    			if( $regplus['aim'] && in_array('aim', $regplus['profile_req']) ){
    				if(trim($_POST['aim']) == ''){
    					$errors->add('empty_aim', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter your AIM username.', 'regplus'));
    			if( $regplus['yahoo'] && in_array('yahoo', $regplus['profile_req']) ){
    				if(trim($_POST['yahoo']) == ''){
    					$errors->add('empty_yahoo', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter your Yahoo IM username.', 'regplus'));
    			if( $regplus['jabber'] && in_array('jabber', $regplus['profile_req']) ){
    				if(trim($_POST['jabber']) == ''){
    					$errors->add('empty_jabber', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter your Jabber / Google Talk username.', 'regplus'));
    			if( $regplus['about'] && in_array('about', $regplus['profile_req']) ){
    				if(trim($_POST['about']) == ''){
    					$errors->add('empty_about', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter some information About Yourself.', 'regplus'));
    			if (!empty($regplus_custom)) {
    				foreach( $regplus_custom as $k=>$v ){
    					if( $v['required'] && $v['reg'] ){
    						$id = $this->Label_ID($v['label']);
    						if(trim($_POST[$id]) == ''){
    							$errors->add('empty_' . $id, __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter your ' . $v['label'] . '.', 'regplus'));
    			if ( $regplus['password'] ){
    				if(trim($_POST['pass1']) == '' || trim($_POST['pass2']) == ''){
    					$errors->add('empty_password', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter a Password.', 'regplus'));
    				}elseif($_POST['pass1'] !== $_POST['pass2']){
    					$errors->add('password_mismatch', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Your Password does not match.', 'regplus'));
    					$errors->add('password_length', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Your Password must be at least 6 characters in length.', 'regplus'));
    					$_POST['user_pw'] = $_POST['pass1'];
    			if ( $regplus['code'] && $regplus['code_req'] ){
    				if(trim($_POST['regcode']) == ''){
    					$errors->add('empty_regcode', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter the Invitation Code.', 'regplus'));
    				}elseif( !in_array(strtolower($_POST['regcode']), $regplus['codepass']) ){
    					$errors->add('regcode_mismatch', __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: Your Invitation Code is incorrect.', 'regplus'));
    			if ( $regplus['captcha'] == 1 ){

    I also added this clarifying label+statement to the reCaptcha section:

    $publickey = $regplus['reCAP_public_key'];
    				?><label>Anti-Spam</label><p>(Characters are case-insensitive)</p><?php
    				echo '<div id="reCAPTCHA">';
    				echo rp_recaptcha_get_html($publickey);
    				echo '</div>&nbsp;<br />';
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