• Is there a plugin or hack to display data sets on a page? For instance, I want to create a data table with the headers such as “Name” and “Phone”; displaying beneath it several rows with info such as “Robert” and “111-111-1111.”

    I’ve looked at Custom Fields, and unless I’m missing something, it doesn’t manage this.

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  • If you put your table in the WordPress database you can use wpdb to retrieve those results.

    Thread Starter Ray Gulick


    MichaelH – Thanks for your suggestion, but I’m not a database developer. What I’m looking for is a plugin (or maybe a hack to Custom Fields) that allows me to enter data records on the Add/Edit Page screen, and spin out a table displaying those records in rows. Custom Field Template plugin comes close, but does not seem to accommodate multiple rows of data records.

    Try WP_Project, it allows you to set up forms in the WP admin then create project reports that display your data in a table format.

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