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  • Plugin Author JonasBreuer


    Hi sinna,

    I’m sorry to hear about your malware problems. There is no such code in the Frontend Checklist plugin, like you can download it on You can verify that by downloading a fresh copy and searching for “” in the frontend-checklist.js.

    It is a common behaviour for malware to search the server for any files of a certain type and injecting it’s code in there. The source of malware can be the server settings, the WordPress version, another plugin, leaked FTP data, etc. It will most probably not be enough to re-install Frontend Checklist since the source is somewhere else and will most-probably re-inject the code at a later time. I would recommend you get your site cleaned by a security professional. The process will involve overwriting all WordPress core files, plugin files and theme files with fresh versions from the repository. The remaining files have to be hand-checked. A professional will also try to find the source of the malware.


    Thread Starter sinna


    Hello Jonas,

    thank you for the fast reply and explanations. I got that info from the security and malware professionals of sucuri (which I hired) and can now give your info back to them so they can dig deeper and find the source.


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