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  • Plugin Author AHWEBDEV


    Like button work with openGraph protocol.

    Hi you should understand first what’ is openGraph.

    openGraph is a list of informations that you need to have in the header of each page or posts on your site to give special infos about posts and pages to facebook.

    1 you should activate openGraph in global settings of the plugin
    2 you should go in the opengraph settings, and fill the form with global settings. (each settings can be redefined on single page or post.)
    3 you should add a like button as you do, on each post and page.

    When you click on a like button, facebook will come and see what you are liking. he will read infos you added via openGraph, and publish it on your wall.

    You should try the debbuger from facebook to see what is missing.

    You can submit an url from your site. This page will tell you what’s wrong with your configuration.

    You can follow this tutorial (in french, you should use the translation tool at hte bottom of the site.)

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