• Hi there.

    When I use Events Calender plugin, it breaks the navigation in my Woo Theme. Woo tells me to ask you. They cannot help me, they say.

    I use standard WP3 menu-config, and Events Calendar are all out-of-the-box. I’ve uses EC on serveral themes, never had this problem before 🙁

    When I set up a event everything is fine and I can see the event in list and “calender” format. But when I click a single event, linked to single event, the navigation goes loco, an shows 6 times “Events” “Events” “Events” “Events” “Events” “Events” intead of my dear navigation menu. So sad.

    How can I fix this little issue?

    Direct link to calendar page (called Kalender): http://svenderik.ondesign.dk/kalender/

    Homepage: http://svenderik.ondesign.dk

    BW. Athen

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