• I’ve been using your plugin in conjunction with WPS Hide Your Login and recently I’ve been running into an issue where my first attempt to login to a site is met with the “ERROR: Incorrect username or password.” message however my second attempt to login is always successful.

    I use an auto-hotkey tool to autofill the username and password so I’m 100% certain this not a case of mistakenly entering the username or password incorrectly during the first login attempt.

    I’m hoping you can look into this and offer a fix or remedy as it does create some frustration during the login process for my clients.

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  • Plugin Author WPChef


    Thanks for letting us know. We will run some tests to see what going on and let you know.

    Plugin Author WPChef


    Try logging in using another browser where you don’t have the autofill feature enabled. If the problem is still there, please share a list of plugins installed on your site and also the name of your theme.

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