• Resolved pc66fr


    Hello ,

    Nice plugin , I use alot !

    I got one problem : I had to add a ‘0’ in SKU product ,
    So i created a category ‘0’ with all the product that needed the 0
    I select with the plugin then prepend ‘0’ to SKU
    Add whent well but the plugin added aswell 4 ‘space bar’ after the SKU so SKU are not detected by catalog ( 17 character instead of 13 )

    Is there a way to remove these space character ? +1000 products :/
    I tried remove ‘ ‘in SKU but it doesn’t work


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  • Plugin Author ELEXtensions


    Hello @pc66fr,

    Thanks a lot for trying out our plugin and sharing the feedback.
    Regarding your query, We have checked the same scenario on our test environment and it’s working fine with no space characters getting added to SKU after editing it with the bulk edit plugin.

    Could you please reach out to our support team with your staging site details? We shall help you find the root cause and fix it.

    Thread Starter pc66fr


    Hello , If you can’t reproduce it , have to be Exel’s fault then , not yours !
    Thanks for the checking !

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