• Resolved rcnyc


    Dear WP,

    I don’t know if this is the right place but I’ll shoot, in any case.

    Please, Please, PLEASE have a feature in which a WordPress blog is only accessible to your country by default, and you have to opt-in to publish to the world. It can work like this:

    When new WP installation is launched, user is prompted into deciding which countries they would like the site to be viewable to.

    I know that there are plugins (I use one right now), but I think that this should’ve been a feature all along and that it doesn’t make sense that the average person should have to hunt and peck for a plugin to deal with this problem or even post with the ignorance of thinking that no one except local area residents will be viewing it, when in fact EVERYONE is.

    The reason why I’m asking this is that I didn’t realize what a problem it was to have the “world” be the default audience until 2-3 years ago, and now I’m seeing that this needs to be a critical feature. I am not going to give specifics as to why I want this, but suffice it to say, if someone is launching a community blog for, say, residents of Las Vegas, San Francisco, Chicago or wherever, the entire world does not need to be the default audience for this blog.

    For instance, I just launched a new WordPress blog and as soon as it launched, I was shocked at how many people around the world could see it. I hadn’t even posted it, but it was viewable to internationals instantaneously.

    IMO, the ability to block by country should be a key feature of WordPress and added ASAP.

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