• Resolved goala2016


    Hello, I currently have the add-ons module installed in my online store, and I have a line of text in the products, I can know what placehorder is created in that line to paint it on invoices and delivery notes?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author bizswoop


    Thanks for sharing the URL of your website, but we didn’t notice the behavior “I have a line of text in the products, I can know what placehorder is created in that line” on the website related to this request.

    Can you provide us a bit more information, so we can better understand the request? Are the product add-ons not showing up on emails? And invoices? Are you modifying emails or using a plugin for invoices? It would be helpful if you could provide us a few sample screenshots, so we can better understand the request and provide guidance.

    Thread Starter goala2016


    Hello, I am attaching the link of a product, there I have added the “Order Note” add-ons, where the customer can add a text, and then that text I want to appear in the order notes, and there I have to add the placehorder, I also add screenshot.


    Plugin Author bizswoop


    Thanks for sharing this additional information.

    Unfortunately, after reviewing the website page and screenshot you shared, we noticed you are not using our Product Add-ons plugin, the class name code reference here as wc-pao-addon is from another developers Product Add-ons product. Our class name is zaddon


    We’d recommend you review under the Plugins page, the developer name and their support portal and contact them for your questions, since we are not familiar with their code, we are unable to provide you the guidance.

    Thread Starter goala2016


    Ok, perfect, well thank you very much for your help.

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