• Your plugin is wonderful for showing captions superimposed on photographic content.

    But for infographics / screenshots / etc which should be shown fully with a slider container set to adaptive height the description should be visually fully separate below or above the media content.

    For these situations it would be fine if we you could have the following two separately toggle-able options:

    • Place captions: inside / above / below slider container
    • ☑︎ Position arrows relative to caption block
      So that the varying height of your image and or text does not matter, and the arrows are always in relation to the caption block only.

    I already achieved positioning my own custom text above/right/below/left of the media content by using empty slides which I fill with arbitrary blocks. Works fine. But the arrows are always positioned in relation to the Slider container.

    Hence the need for placing a caption block above/below the image (already requested) and the arrow buttons nearby that caption block (my genuine additional part, a UX need which arises from this).

    Update: The pro feature Advanced Arrow Styles Position ( SidesTop LeftBottom LeftTop RightBottom Right ) would somehow also suffice, as long as the caption block can be really separatetely below/above of the image block.

    You could e.g. place the arrows “bottom right” and have the caption below. The image and caption text may grow/shrink, but the arrow buttons would also be in relation to the boundary between image and text, so stable.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by abitofmind.
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  • Plugin Contributor Gutenberg Slider


    @abitofmind thanks for your support request. I will look into it for the next version. It is not that easy as of now. But I will try to find a workaround with css to move the captions below the slider. I will update this thread as soon as it is done.

    Thread Starter abitofmind


    Wow — that are good news!

    And please note the two parts of the request:

    1. Caption above/below media part.
    2. Option “Position arrow buttons relative to caption block”
      (currently “Position arrow buttons relative to whole Slider block”)

    I stay subscribed here to get updated! Looking forward

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by abitofmind.
    Thread Starter abitofmind


    Any news?

    Also interested to read about any difficulties or uncertainties you may faced. Maybe we can figure something out together, beta-test, experiment, etc.

    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by abitofmind.
    Thread Starter abitofmind


    @gutenbergslider and @eedee — Any concrete plans meanwhile? As written I am available for further inquiries, feedback, etc.

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by abitofmind.
Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
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