• I just installed the Lovely theme for WP along with the Genesis Simple Share plugin. When we try to share a post to Pinterest, it gives an error: “Source URL [http://undefined/] is not a valid URL” and when we try to share thru G+ or SU, nothing happens. My website is http://sweetcoralice.com

    Another issue is when I go to my plugins page/list, the Genesis Simple Share Plugin does not have any options available, such as to to delete or deactivate.

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  • Plugin Support Nick C


    Hi, @sweetcoralice!

    It looks like your site may have multiple sharing plugins that could be conflicting. I don’t see Simple Share active on your site at the moment, but I’m happy to take a look if you’d like to reactivate it.

    If you’re happy with the other existing sharing plugins you have and they’re working for you, that’s fine too!

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