• Resolved mimihandel


    Hallo Die Bilder auf meiner Shopseite sind unscharf, wenn man auf das Produkt klickt ist es scharf, aber das ist nur auf mobilen Geräten der Fall, ich brauche dringend Hilfe!! Ich habe dies irgendwo eingestellt, damit die Seite schneller geladen wird. Jetzt möchte ich es rückgängig machen, aber ich weiß nicht wie. I use the Astra Theme with Elementor

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    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support hrn1995 (woo-hc)


    Hi @mimihandel

    I understand that you’re experiencing an issue with blurry images on your shop page when viewed on mobile devices, but they appear sharp when clicked on.

    This could be due to the settings you’ve applied to increase your page load speed. It’s possible that you’ve configured your website to display lower-resolution images on mobile devices to improve performance.

    Since you’re using the Astra theme with Elementor, kindly do these steps:

    1. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard.
    2. Go to Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Product Images.
    3. Here, you can adjust the ‘Thumbnail Width’ and ‘Thumbnail Cropping’. Increasing the ‘Thumbnail Width’ might help improve the image quality.
    4. Click ‘Publish’ to save your changes.

    If the images are still blurry, it could be due to Elementor’s settings. Here’s how to check:

    1. In your WordPress Dashboard, go to Elementor > Settings > Style Tab.
    2. Check the ‘Image Quality’ section. If it’s set to a value less than 100, increase it to 100 for maximum quality.
    3. Click ‘Save Changes’.

    Remember, increasing image quality might affect your page load speed. It’s recommended to find a balance between image quality and performance.

    Let us know how it goes!

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