• Resolved viv


    Hi all,

    my problem is ocurring since today morning. When I create a new page, a new product or a new blog article and include pictures, they won’t show in the frontend and sometimes neither in the backend. It makes no difference if the picture already has been in the media pool or if I upload a new one. I also tried uploading different file formats (PNG, JPG, WebP) and made sure there were no symbols or special characters in the file name.

    We are using Astra Theme on our site, WooCommerce and Elementor Page Builder. The issue not only occurs in parts built with Elementor but also affects product pictures oder blog post pictures. So it seems to me that the issue is not directly related to a certain plugin.

    When inspecting the new page with the missing pictures I found an error code “400 bad request” . I didn’t find anything helpful when googling this error, caches on the site have been cleared (WP Rocket, I also tried deactivating it), and I cleared browser caches.

    The issue occurs not only on my devices, but with devices from colleagues all over Germany.

    Does anyone have an idea how to fix this or is experiencing similar problems?

    Thanks in advance,

    P.S.: The page I linked should display 3 pictures, at the moment it is blank or only shows a box mit a question mark in it.

    • This topic was modified 1 year ago by viv.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Aminul Haq Siam


    Hello @viviavonqik,

    If you’re experiencing issues with images not showing up in both the frontend and backend of your WordPress site, and you’re also encountering a “400 Bad Request” error, you can follow the below steps.

    Check server logs: Contact your hosting provider and ask them to check the server logs for any errors or issues related to image uploads. They might be able to identify any server-side problems that could be causing the issue.

    Increase PHP memory limit: Insufficient PHP memory can sometimes lead to issues with image uploads. You can try increasing the PHP memory limit by adding the following line to your site’s wp-config.php file:
    define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’);

    Disable CDN or caching plugins: If you’re using a CDN (Content Delivery Network) or caching plugins, temporarily disable them to see if the issue persists. Sometimes, these plugins can interfere with image uploads or cause caching-related problems.

    Verify URL settings: Go to “Settings” -> “Media” in your WordPress admin panel and check the “Store uploads in this folder” setting. Ensure that the path is correct and points to the correct folder on your server.

    Update WordPress, theme, and plugins: Make sure you have the latest versions of WordPress, the Astra theme, and all plugins installed. Outdated software can sometimes cause compatibility issues. Update everything to the latest versions if necessary.

    If none of those steps solve your problem, you can contact with WP developer or contact with the affected theme/plugin support team.

    Thread Starter viv


    Hey @aminulsiam,

    thank you so much for taking the time and writing a response!

    Today the problem seems to have magically disappeared… sometimes it seems so be enough to just sit and wait. There was an Elementor Pro Update though, which I ran after logging into WordPress, maybe this plugin was the culprit.

    I actually contacted the hosting provider right after I posted here, they didn’t find anything suspicious in the server logs and our memory limit is already quite high. Deactivating WP Rocket didn’t help and I am regularly updating plugins and themes. Deactivating WP Rocket didn’t make a difference. I tried checking the media upload setting as you suggested, just to be sure, but I don’t have this option, even though I am an admin.

    Thanks for your help, I hope the issue won’t reoccur.

    Have a nice day!

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