• Resolved jquinn33


    We had tested Classified Listing and all was working well, but today for some reason none of our photos are showing up in our listing. I can see them all there in the dashboard with each listing, but they don’t show up on the front-end. Do you have any suggestions?

    Thank you!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Ali Akbar Reyad


    I see listing image showing on front-end https://prnt.sc/IS2SwEPGnD_Q
    Are you talking about listing details page?

    Thread Starter jquinn33


    Hi Ali! Thank you for the fast reply!

    The problem we were having was after we clicked to view the property detail page. None of the images were showing up there. I think I may have figured it out however. It appears to have something to do with using a widget vs. setting up a designated page under the plugin Settings. Once we did that, everything was showing up.

    Thank you again! 🙂

    Plugin Support Ali Akbar Reyad


    Yes, that time not loading details page properly. Could you send me a screenshot of that settings, so that I can check is it conflicting with others or not.

    Thank You

    Thread Starter jquinn33


    Yes! So actually, after I did some more testing, it wasn’t the widget causing the issue. What was happening is that when we didn’t have the listings page setup under Settings (see here), that’s when the detail page didn’t show any photos and some of the fields. When we assigned that page in settings, everything worked flawlessly. 🙂

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by jquinn33.
    Plugin Support Ali Akbar Reyad


    Yes, need to setup page properly.

    Thank You

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