• I have been searching the forums and have not quite found a solution to my problem, although some seemed close.

    I was getting an “Internal Server Error” message. We determined that something was changing the .htaccess file. I have removed all plugins.

    The problem occurs now when when I try to change to Permalinks to Post Name. I can “recover”, so to speak, by uploading a fresh .htaccess file and changing the Permalinks to Plain.

    I’d leave it at that, but the fact is that Post Name permalinks are much better for the client.

    The site is http://www.theyogaloft.net. It is on Bluehost. Latest version of WordPress.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you.

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  • Disable all plugins, switch to twentysixteen or so theme. Delete .htaccess completely. Then go to permalinks and recreate them as “post name”. If your website crashes again – talk to Bluehost support.

    Thread Starter Roger Lipera


    Yep, did that. Doesn’t work. Still fails spectacularly.

    I’ve been on with Bluehost and no luck. I think I know the problem. I am going to try an experiment.

    Thread Starter Roger Lipera


    Problem solved!

    The All-In-One Migration plugin was causing a problem. In short, it created an error that overwrote the .htaccess file when Permalinks were saved after changing.

    The solution was to re-clone using another tool. In this case I used WP Clone from Clone Academy.

    I have already removed all the other plugins and excess goodies before the final “test”, which failed. A re-cloning with WP Clone worked fine. No problems.

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