• Hi,

    I installed the translatepress plugin but there is some performance issues. See my page before the translatepress installation in the image and after in pagespeed insights.

    There are few small fixes in performance acessibility and best practices like resize images and fonts, and probably there is a place in somewhere in your source code with a wp_enqueue_script with a jquery dependency never used.

    Best regards.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter Antonio Augusto


    Plugin Support Alex



    To address these issues, you could start by optimizing your images to reduce their size without compromising the quality. There are various WordPress plugins that can help with this, such as Smush or EWWW Image Optimizer.

    On the topic of the unused jQuery dependency, we understand that unnecessary scripts can slow down a website. However, jQuery is a vital part of many WordPress plugins, including TranslatePress.

    Continuing with best practices, make sure you’re using a good caching plugin like WP Rocket and a CDN to serve your contents faster across different geographical locations.

    Another performance thing you might want to look for, is that we have a listener for Javascript strings that when it detects a text change on the page (say a particular JS script adds a notice), we query the server for a translation. This ajax call is also fast as it doesn’t go through the normal WordPress ajax, however, it can cause issues when there is a lot of traffic to your website. The good part is that you can disable this functionality from TP Settings -> Advanced tab –> Troubleshooting section –> Disable dynamic translation.
    Also, the Automatic translation memory can increase the loading time, so be sure you disable it from TP Settings –> Advanced tab –> Miscellaneous section for testing purpose.
    You should also try the Optimize TranslatePress database tables option from TP Settings –> Advanced tab –> Debug section to clear them.

    Best Regards,

    Thread Starter Antonio Augusto


    Hi Alex,

    please check first before reply. My site is extremely optimized. But even with performance tools it is not possible to optimize your plugin. There is only one difference in the 2 sites pages mentioned. Forget about other performance problems, put the 2 pages mentioned in pagespeed. There is few small fixes that a beginner can correct. I know what’s jquery but it’s being misused.

    Best regards

    Thread Starter Antonio Augusto


    there are 2 sites.. the old (.com.br) and the new (.com). Only the .com has your plugin

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