• The plugin works best from all we tested so far.
    The only flaw is that a user with permissions to only a certain blog gets forwarded to the dashboard instead of the blog when logging into the main site. Still worth the 5 stars, because it’s unlikely that many people will stumble over this! Great Plugin David!

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  • Plugin Author David Sader


    SaschaSchwartz: “The only flaw is that a user with permissions to only a certain blog gets forwarded to the dashboard instead of the blog when logging into the main site.”

    How does the same login work on your site without any plugins active?

    The current version of the plugin does not alter the behaviour of the login_url redirect.

    Adding a filter of the login_url hook is something you can add as your own plugin.

    Thread Starter SaschaSchwartz


    Hi David,

    Thank you, it works fine! You were right, it was another plugin causing the trouble.
    But I stumbled over another thing: Even though the site is fully locked down for members only, everyone can still access files stored under http://sitename.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2013/06/image.png
    Can this issue also be caused by another plugin or is this really a hole in the security?


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