• Resolved djeah



    In the link attached, I have a PDF file which I am embedding through an iframe. This is not getting being lazy loaded. The checkbox in settings for iframe is already checked.

    In dev tools I see the initiator being the lazyload javascript, but ideally this should not have started loading as it is way beyond the viewport (I have set the threshold as 50)
    Can you please check this?

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by djeah.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Florian Brinkmann



    could you try to disable the native lazy load option? That might be the reason for this. I guess I will remove it in a future release, because it already caused the issue of content that is loaded very early a few times.


    Thread Starter djeah



    Yes, the native lazy load was the problem. It is working fine now. Thanks.

    Plugin Author Florian Brinkmann



    great to hear that! I will add a notice to the native lazy load option about that side effect.


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