• sassons


    For some reason, the website stopped processing credit cards as of last night. Poynt is throwing an error and will not show cc input fields. I reset the API key but that didn’t help. It’s their plugin that’s throwing the error.

    Their chat support says they cannot support website integration and says I have to contact their dev team. He cannot confirm if they work on weekends or how long it will take to get support. It’s Saturday morning and a holiday weekend with Monday off. He cannot confirm if they’re off on Monday. We ran a bunch of paid ads for this holiday weekend and the payment processing is totally down. This is a joke of a company. Use literally any other company. STAY AWAY!

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  • Plugin Support ryanskyverge


    Hey @sassons

    I’m very sorry to hear that payments are not processing properly on your site at this critical time for your business! I’ll be happy to help get you back up and running with payments as fast as possible.

    I’m also very sorry for the frustrations with the lack of proper escalation path to get help on this issue. I have raised this issue with our team so that we can do a better job of directing requests to the proper channels moving forward.

    Would it be possible to share the URL of the site where the error is occurring so that I can check the front end of the site for errors that might be contributing to the issue?

    Also, can you go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > Credit Card in your WordPress admin and set Debug Mode to “Save to log” so that your site will log more details as to the communication with Poynt here?


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