• The ‘parent page’ option is missing in my page attributes, only the ‘template’ and ‘order’ options are available!

    I’ve just started to use to WordPress- (so the software is pretty new to me)- and I’m using the 5.0.3 version
    I’d love some help to figure this thing out!!

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  • The parent page drop-down does not show all pages from me.
    If I switch to classic editor or quick edit I see them all.

    Same problem here. Thanks for the tip on using the classic editor.


    I just discovered that re-enabling the “Pre-publish Checks” in the page options also brings back the parent page selector. Must be either a bug or just another one of those weird choices by the team nobody understands. Well, at least got the option back now, I’ll just have to learn to live with the annoying pre-publish stuff now.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Twisted World.

    It is a bug in the WP Core, I have the same problem and have tested it on a clean 5.2.2 installation using a default included theme and no plugins. Enabling or re-enabling the ‘pre-publish checks’ did not work for me.

    There is simply NO option for a Page Parent in the Page Attributes section of the Page Edit screen – the only workaround I have found is to publish the (new) Page and then in the Pages overview screen I can use “quick edit” to assign a Page Parent.

    There are MANY people with this problem, I understand it has been reported to WP but as of today it seems there is no fix yet. 🙁

    There is a patch in the comments here: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/46294

    Comment nr 2

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by hobzhobz.

    I’m still experiencing this in WordPress 5.3
    Thanks @trisham : the Quick Edit workaround works.

    I added page attributes to woocommerce, but still missing this module. Is it solved yet or any workaround available?

    I am also having this issue – any resolution?

    I just upgraded wordpress and I’m also not seeing the option to select a parent page… any resolution to this so far?

    Wordpress 5.4.2 also exhibits this issue when there is a large number of pages (approx 120).
    I am unable to change the page’s parent since the one I need is not listed in the dropdown.

    Any fix for this problem? Parent page attribute has disappeared on pages pretty much making WordPress useless to me. Do we all abandon Gutenberg? feels like there is zero support on here judging by the lack of responses to this problem.

    Oh My Me

    I am not the only one ……… its a terrible issue and not able to resolve. I need child pages as I need to configure memberpress accordingly….without child pages, I am done with wordpress…I am strangled

    What has happened to these forums? There used to be legit discussion about how to make WP better. Now as it falls apart everyone is gone.

    There are plenty of workarounds, don’t feel strangled.

    Workaround #1: Publish the Page, then go to Pages and Quick Edit the page and choose the parent.

    Workaround #2: Download a Page Ordering plugin like Simple Page Ordering. Enable the plugin, then publish your page, go back to pages and drag your page under the parent.

    Workaround #3: Download the Classic Editor and use the good ol fashioned, original gangster.

    I’m totally with @toasties on this. The problem was raised well over a year ago and nobody seems to be fixing the problem.
    Ref @colter workarounds: #1 doesn’t work for me (it won’t update with QuickEdit, the update button never completes the action); #2 & #3 aren’t good solutions – I don’t want to download yet more plugins or add-ons just for a function which should work in the main WP Gutenberg programme.
    When will a fix be available???

    @colter thanks for your response but none of your suggestions work. I’m a total non-techy but have managed to find my way around but have really got stumped here. I only have the option to have my “home” page as a parent page. I am unable to sort a hierarchy at all. I’ve tried both the suggested plug-ins but #2 simply does appear to do page order, as they appear in the dash, it doesn’t seem to have a function to allocate child pages to parent pages. Can anyone else suggest anything? #3 doesn’t seem to change anything.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by symantha01. Reason: forgot to click the notification request tickbox
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