• Hello there!

    I need help to solve a problem Screaming Frog highlighted as a high priority issue and is caused by Yoast SEO. Basically, as they state ” URLs contained in either, or both, the rel=”next” and rel=”prev” attributes of the page, are not found as a hyperlink in an HTML anchor element on the page itself….To fix this, snsure paginated URLs are linked to within <a> tags. This will allow them to be crawled and indexed, and pass PageRank onto any URLs they link to.”

    Can someone explain me how do I change this as explained above, so that it’s included in <a> tags?

    I tried everything, but couldn’t find a way to change it!

    Thank you!

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  • Plugin Support Mushrit Shabnam


    Hi @russiainpillole

    The Yoast SEO plugin adds the rel="prev" & rel="next" tags to help deal with paginated content, as well as the canonical URL. So you may want to open the page source of the affected page and check if the rel=”next” and rel=”prev” attributes appear in the page source.

    Thread Starter russiainpillole


    Hi Mishrit,

    Thank you for your fast reply!

    Yes, I checked the page source of the affected page (which is the homepage of my website) and it indeed has a rel next tag as showed in the previous picture.

    This tag creates an issue, the one you will find described in Picture 1 below, together with the way how to fix it (Picture 2).



    Can you advise on how to achieve this solution?

    Thank you!

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