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  • Plugin Contributor David Cramer


    Oh those are nice!

    Let me go play with samples and see what I can figure out for you. will report ASAP.

    Thread Starter Nathan Hawkes


    Thank you!!! I can get something like that working just by adding the styles to the appropriate places, but when I am looking at the active page, I can see the “active” CSS class on the list item. But, the pages I have already visited don’t have a “visited” class or something like that, and that seems to be the only part of this that I am missing – something that says “Hey, you’ve done this step! Good job!”, so those early steps that come up as highlighted in the link I posted then look like the same style as the steps I need to do in the future. Which is great to say “This is where you are now”, but not to say “This is how much you’ve done.”


    has this level of styling breadcrumbs been implemented – at the moment it seems it’s just Page 1, Page 2 etc – would love to customise this as per the codyhouse demo.



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