• Resolved mniqbal


    How to display products of more than 3 items per row?

    For example, I need to display:
    – Only 3 items for Mobile or @media Max width: 767px,
    – And display 5 or 6 items for full-length


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Vagelis


    Hello there, I can’t access your website as you use a comming soon landing page.
    Have a loon on this ticket:

    This should do.

    Plugin Author Vagelis


    Actually never mind that other ticket ( as we talk about other things as well )

    try to add this into your child theme’s functions.php file

    function v_woo_related_slider() { 
      if (is_product()) {?>
    	jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
      	var owl = $("#woorelatedproducts");
    	      items : 4,
    	      itemsDesktop : [1000,3],
    	      itemsDesktopSmall : [900,3],
    	      itemsTablet: [600,2],
    	      autoPlay: 3500,
    	      itemsMobile : false,
    	</script> <?php 
    add_action( 'wp_footer', 'v_woo_related_slider' );

    Of course, you can alter the items to match your needs.

    Thread Starter mniqbal


    Many thanks for you dude.
    You are a nice guy.

    But so sorry I try to follow your step, and there is no effect.
    I think I got a problem with the code at this template.
    So by little, I try to edit your file on “woo-related-products-refresh-on-reload / public / js / woo-related-products-public.js” and i compare from “https://owlcarousel2.github.io/OwlCarousel2/&#8221; source code.
    Finally, this problem has resolved.

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