• Resolved cassel


    I LOVE this plugin because I have over 500 pages and it makes the work so much easier. However, recently (in the last few months), I noticed that the pages are no longer being added in alphabetical order. Is there a way to change that (other than having to do it manually)?

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  • Plugin Author Noemi-van-de-Moosdijk


    <duplicate reply>

    Plugin Author Noemi-van-de-Moosdijk


    Nice to know that you love the plugin. 🙂
    Pages should be added wherever you click the plus sign.

    So when you want that to be in alphabetical order you should add them manually at the right place.

    Thread Starter cassel


    Oh, I don’t add pages inside the “tree” but directly from the WP navigation on the side!
    I guess it places itself above where the last highlighted page then.

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