• Resolved kognos


    Order is placed but credit card got declined so status is set to “Failed”. Order items are already created at this time, as expected. When customer retries the payment and got approved this time, the order status is changed to “Processing”, as expected, but the order items are recreated in the wp_woocommerce_items table with new order_item_id’s. This event should not recreate an already existing order item record.

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  • Plugin Support Syde Joost


    Hello @kognos

    Thank you for reaching out to us, we are here to help.

    I reproduce the situation by mocking the failed initial payment, failing the order and then succeeding the second attempt, but I cannot reproduce the behavior. When the first payment attempt is made, a new order_item_id is created in this table. But when I then the second payment attempt succeeds, it updates the existing order and does not create a new order_item_id.

    Can you also do a test, but this time with all plugin (except WooCommerce and PayPal Payments) deactivated and the default storefront theme active, and seeing if that gives you a different outcome? This off course is to see if any other plugin might be affecting this process on your site.

    Pending your response on this.

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Support Syde Joost



    Since we did not receive any response or follow-up questions from you, we will assume you got this working to your requirements. If you still have any more questions for us, please open a new thread, because we will mark this one as resolved.

    Kind regards,

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