• Hello, I’m just starting to make a lms website. It is in testing stage. My lms website focuses maily on quizzes. I noticed that when a student quits the quiz inbetween, then the quiz is submitted upto that stage. My request is that If a student quits that quiz inbetween, then save the progress and resume the quiz later when he/she attempts later with all his response saved, time remaining, etc.

    Also, I noticed that there is no option to remove a student from a course. I found out from the documentation that the only way is to use enrollment addon. So are there no way to remove a student from course in the free version?

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  • Hi @karthic24 ,

    Unfortunately, we do not have the quiz in between or quiz pausing available yet.

    Also, we do not have any unenrolment facility in the free version of Tutor LMS. My apologies for this.

    Thread Starter karthic24


    Hello, I can understand that you dont have the quiz pausing feature available yet. Are you guys planning to incorporate it in the future update? This is a good feature to be implemented in your plugin.

    And for unenrollment option not available in the free version. This looks like a deal breaker. Suppose if a student buys course 1 and course 2 from my website and if he/she doesn’t like like course 2 and asks for a refund. I have no option to uneroll he/she from course 2. My options left are don’t give refund or delete the student completley. This is not a good practice. I hope you guys will add unenrollment to the free version. Thank You

    Hi @karthic24 ,

    Yes, this is a good feature and we will surely talk with the development team about this.

    Unfortunately, that is the case in our free version. Hopefully 🤞

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