• Resolved lunacer


    before I start the question, thanks to whom made this amazing plugin. I’ve been tried more than 10+ and finally found this which have everything I need.

    While I’m testing out the plugin, I’m facing the issue that thumbnail and title is not clickable. I don’t want to have the “Read more” button in the list item but without it the post won’t be opened.

    Am I missing some setting?
    Please advise.


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  • Plugin Author YMC


    The fastest way to make a post clickable is to apply style CSS s to the Button Read More (see screenshot). https://prnt.sc/49EELQ3dBBNm

    The second way is to create a custom post layout and customize it as you need.
    We hope this helps you. Contact us!

    Plugin Author YMC


    We hope that you were able to solve this task.

    Thread Starter lunacer


    Thank you for your prompt response!
    When I insert the style attribute directly on the element, it works fine.
    However, when I use the selector in style.css, it makes the Read more button cover the div of .post-item.
    Following is my CSS selector.

    article.ymc-post-layout1 div.read-more a.btn-read-more {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    top: 0;
    display: block;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    background: no-repeat;
    font-size: 0;

    Plugin Author YMC


    Send us a link to the page on your website where your post filter is located.

    Thread Starter lunacer


    I could find the solution for the issue.
    I added the color to the background as “transparent”, and it works like a charm now.
    I found out that the black color is the background, but don’t know where it was set, so just added it to your CSS instead of the orignal place of the CSS,

    Thank you for your help!

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