• Resolved jdponce


    Hi, this is a fantastic plugin! It works well in checkout page. However, I can’t see it in the Order, I can’t see it in the Customer area orders, I can’t see in in the New order email that receives the administrator. I can’t see it nowere!

    We need to see the map, what can I do?

    Thank in advance

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  • Plugin Author Uriahs Victor


    Hi there, if you’re not seeing the map after an order is placed, then it might be that the actual coordinates are not being stored in the order meta. Are you using HPOS? The plugin is not currently compatible with HPOS but will be soon so for now you need to enable compatibility mode.

    If you’re not using HPOS then let me know, also provide a link to your website

    Thread Starter jdponce


    Hi, thanks for answer. However, HPOS is not activated. In that sectios as you can see in the screenshot, I get a msg that says that the Kikote plugin is not compatible.


    How can I solve this?

    Thanks in advance

    Plugin Author Uriahs Victor


    Kikote is not compatible with HPOS yet but since you’re not making use of it then that shouldn’t be the problem.

    Can you send a link to your website? If the map isn’t showing in the order details then it means that the coordinates for some reason isn’t being stored.

    When you place an order the gps coordinates are stored with the order details. Can you try a test purchase and make use you select your location on the map, then go to that test order and scroll down to the “custom fields” area and send me a screenshot of what’s shown

    Plugin Author Uriahs Victor


    Hi there, I haven’t heard from you in a while so I’ll be closing this thread. Feel free to open a new one if you’re still having issues or send in a support request here: https://lpacwp.com/contact

    Thread Starter jdponce


    Hi, I apologize for the delayed time. Okay this is the screenshot of the custom fields in order details. https://prnt.sc/yAFV3gj1Jks9

    On the other hand, HPOS is not activated. However the spanish msg you see there says that Kikote plugis in not compatible: https://prnt.sc/nludYKrWxWJ4

    What can I do?

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