• It’s a great plugin, but I just run a small blog and won’t recommend this plugin, because 100pic/month is far from enough even for a tiny site. You can try optimal(1GB size pic/month) or Smush(unlimited/month but file size<1MB)

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  • Plugin Author ShortPixel


    thanks for taking the time to review our plugin!

    I understand that you were surprised that there were only 100 free image credits/month by default? I’m asking because we tried to make it clear on our plugin page, so our users know it beforehand, but maybe there is room for improvement.

    We offer a freemium service and for the big majority of our lovely users (roughly 90%), 100 images/month seem to be enough.

    Those who have bigger needs, help us pay for the server farm that is needed to optimize hundreds of thousands of images every day but also the hundreds hours of development, energy and customer support we put into creating and maintaining a business that major media outlets consider to be one of the best image optimisation and compression plugins out there.

    I would appreciate a follow up on this.

    Thank you,
    Alex – ShortPixel CPO

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